Vos données prêtes pour l’IA générative Matinale 2 avril - Cercle d’Aumale Paris

Gouverner, intégrer et fiabiliser vos données dans le Cloud pour l'IA

Sans les bonnes données, les initiatives d’IA sont vouées à l’échec ! Le 2 avril, la matinale Good Morning Data d’Informatica présentera comment gouverner, intégrer et fiabiliser vos données dans le Cloud.

Cet évènement met l’accent sur les pièges courants de l’IA, les impératifs pour préparer vos données à l’IA, des exemples concrets et les solutions de gouvernance ad hoc.

Cet événement est destiné aux utilisateurs en entreprise.

The Blockchain Day Paris

Quand :
10 octobre 2018 Jour entier
Où :
Palais Brongniart
16 Place de la Bourse
75002 Paris
The Blockchain Day Paris @ Palais Brongniart | Paris | Île-de-France | France

Highlights of the Day

Foundations of Blockchain and its Mass Adoption

Getting protocols and frameworks right is critical to advancing the crypto ecosystem. What’s still missing and how can we connect all parts to function seamlessly as a whole to drive mass adoption?

Know your costumer through blockchain (KYC)

Banks, commerce, and governments are adhering to Blockchain-KYC. This digital passport reduces costs, optimizes time and increases trust through the use of a ‘trusted gatekeeper’.

The Cold Hard Truth Behind ICOs

Nothing ventured, nothing gained: ICO veterans reveal their roadmap to success. Full breakdown of key marketing, legal and development aspects critical to any ICO. Our speakers will also touch on regulation.

Smart Contracts and Traceability

Blockchain is being applied on supply chains. Tracking systems guarantee product quality, reduces costs and processing times, and gives legitimacy.

Using Blockchain in Real Case Scenarios

Of all ICOs and coins being launched, how many actually make it to the next stage? Learn which industries have accomplished this feat and made it to phase 2.

Industries transformed by blockchain

Round table with industries that successfully implemented blockchain. 2 speakers from the gaming and cloud storage service sectors will talk about the challenges, the process and the benefits.

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L'événement digital

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