Effective technologies 20 years ago
The emblematic PMU applications were developed with the most advanced technologies of the time: a transactional monitor IMS (Information Management System), developed by IBM for Rockwell on the Apollo program in 1966, and its hierarchical database, also called IMS, equipped with the Fast Path device to optimize access speed .
The applications of the PMU deal up to 1500 transactions per second and calculate the earnings to be paid in less than one minute after arrival for each of the daily races, seven days a week. In the process of migrating to the new computer system, the PMU will manage a period of parallel operation with the Mainframe throughout 2014. The Mainframe will be removed then.
Put the teams level
IT staff of the PMU are also a bit shaken up during this migration. They are brought up in skills. Over the years, they had lost the precise knowledge of their legacy. The migration leads to plunge into the mysteries of their applications. They will be trained in the tools associated with the new architecture. These include the Tuxedo transaction monitor, Microfocus COBOL, and associated administration tools.
The complete migration should be finished in 2014 and the evolution of functions continues in parallel. The first tests are encouraging in late 2013. They demonstrated the achievement of performance expected in the coming years, the ability to scalability and stability of the system.
The shift to cheaper technology enables the PMU to release the budget to fund the changes of its information system and decision- paris . the PMU wants to develop its applications in an easier and faster way. For this, the old Cobol code is placed in reusable functions. Everything is urbanized and may be replaced by a software package from an ISV (Independant Sofware Vendor) or by some developments in Java.