China Connect 2018 : l’inspiration vient de Chine

China Connect les 7 et 8 mars 2018 à Paris

The next 7 and 8 of March 2018, China Connect is the largest European gathering of experts on Chinese consumer trends, digital and mobile tech marketing.

This unique event is reaching out to an audience of top level Western marketing and digital decision makers from Luxury, Cosmetics, Fashion, Retail, FMCG, Food & Beverages, Automotive, Services, Travel, Retail, Datas, Communication…

Learn from and meet the most influential Chinese Internet players, Greater China and APAC based marketers, and access the highest level insights and learnings to engage and sell globally to China’s increasingly tech savvy, travelled, and discerning consumers : Develop your expertise on China’s unique and fast-changing digital scene ; Explore new business opportunities with leading Chinese digital/ mobile/ tech and marketing/ communication/ media players.

8th edition – 2018 Theme: China, The New World’s Inspiration

From Artificial Intelligence “new frontier” big push across a wide range of industries and solutions, the impact of KOLs far beyond the one we experience in the West, the new retail perspectives and mobile payment options, to the surge of short videos, rise of local brands, fast developing leaderships in bike-sharing,  smart cities, e-sports, electric cars, to name a few, China’s fast evolving consumers and digital (emerging) powers & ecosystems, are increasingly influencing and driving global strategies and innovation

We live the “Year 1” of a new global digital order with disruptive innovations, born several years ago, and overwhelmingly imposing themselves, while the Government supports and funds  a “mass entrepreneurship” and an ambitious program of technological leadership in 10 years.

How does this translate into business challenges and opportunities for global marketers in their marketing, content, ecommerce and data strategy? From influencer marketing and video content, to social CRM, retail transformation (from O2O to “new retail”), AR / VR experiences, data / analytics, mobile payments, messaging, Artificial Intelligence are a few topics that will be highlighted by 40 Chinese pure players and marketing/media/communication professionals based in China/Asia, but also in Europe and the United States.

Register and meet 600+ professionals of 20 nationalities, and benefit from one2one meetings

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