Vos données prêtes pour l’IA générative Matinale 2 avril - Cercle d’Aumale Paris

Gouverner, intégrer et fiabiliser vos données dans le Cloud pour l'IA

Sans les bonnes données, les initiatives d’IA sont vouées à l’échec ! Le 2 avril, la matinale Good Morning Data d’Informatica présentera comment gouverner, intégrer et fiabiliser vos données dans le Cloud.

Cet évènement met l’accent sur les pièges courants de l’IA, les impératifs pour préparer vos données à l’IA, des exemples concrets et les solutions de gouvernance ad hoc.

Cet événement est destiné aux utilisateurs en entreprise.

How Artificial Intelligence is changing Advertising in China

Quand :
8 octobre 2019 @ 19h00 – 22h00
Où :
La terrasse du 7ème
75007 Paris

Advertising in China is at the frontlines in Artificial Intelligence adoption and innovation. The majority of ad spend in China is already digital, and AI-based advertising thrives on the massive datasets available in China for number crunching and automation. The key driver for AI in advertising, however, is China’s hypercompetitive ecommerce market, which is more than double the size of its US counterpart.

Bessi Lee, CEO Withinlink

This event is a high level diner organized by the business Club of China Connect. The diner will host Ms. Bessi Lee Founder and Ceo, Withinlink and Laure de Carayon, CEO, China Connect. With more than 30 years of experience in the media communications industry in Greater China, exclusively across a number of WPP companies, Ms. Lee draws upon an extensive network of thought leaders as well as a team of C-suite media and marketing executives, investment professionals and entrepreneurs, to offer extensive experience in business management and networks to fund and mentor startups and to create winners.

Prior to founding her own company, she was CEO of WPP China beginning in 2013, where she was responsible for 14,000 employees and more than $1 billion in annual revenue.

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L'événement digital

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