Digiworld Summit : Phygital

Quand :
28 novembre 2018 Jour entier
Où :
Maison de la Mutualité
24 Rue Saint-Victor
75005 Paris
Digiworld Summit : Phygital @ Maison de la Mutualité | Paris | Île-de-France | France

Customer intimacy & customized user experience :

What services and applications to meet client’s expectations?

New services: opportunities for players to develop better engagement with their customers

Multichannel and multisector strategies: creating a seamless customer experience

Know better your customer to customize your offer, but take care of him too !
The enablers of the phygital world :

Where and how in the value chain is the phygital transformation operating?

Delivering ever faster connections

Connecting things and humans, now and tomorrow

Technologies that mix physical and digital

Cybersecurity & cyber resilience

Interoperability enabled by versatile aggregation platforms

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